All efforts are made to ensure these instructions and resolutions will work on personal devices, however, all devices are different, success may vary.

WRDSB Chromebooks will connect automatically to WRDSB Staff and Students after you log in using WRDSB Wireless

Connect to Wi-Fi

  1. Turn on Wi-Fi and select the WRDSB Wireless network

    Connect your Chromebook to Wi-Fi on your Chromebook

  2. Log in to the Chromebook
  3. At the bottom right, select the time, then the Wi-Fi icon
  4. Connect to the WRDSB Staff and Students network
  5. In the EAP method dropdown, select PEAP
  6. In the Server CA Certificate dropdown, select Do not check
  7. Scroll down to Identity and enter your WRDSB Username and Password
    • Students: WRDSB Username is the first part of your email before “” (e.g., smithj1234)
    • Staff: WRDSB Username is your PAL Username
  8. Click Connect

Your device will now connect to the WRDSB Staff and Students network. To ensure this network is selected consistently see Set network preference below.

It will take 30-45 seconds for your user information to be validated. Some websites or resources may not load until this is complete (eg. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

Set network preference

To ensure the Chromebook uses the WRDSB Staff and Students network consistently, Set it as the Preferred Network.

  1. At the bottom right, select the time, then the Wi-Fi icon
  2. Select the Settings cog in the top right
  3. Toggle the button next to Prefer this network to On
  4. Close the settings window, the network configuration is complete